Pro-users day huge success!
The first ever Pro-Users’ Day on the State of the Map has been a huge success. About 200 visitors listened to many map fulled presentations on how businesses, governmental or non-governmental organizations can benefit from OpenStreetMap’s rich dataset. The day ended with the OpenStreetMap Application Challenge. Some remarks about the app challenge found on Twitter:
‘Quick and clean presentation by the OffMaps for iPhone guys.’
‘Good news from GeoCommons. GeoCoder goes OpenSource.’
‘Good presentation by Nulaz, offering custom-tailored LBS services.’
”Layar – augmented reality browser for mobiles – just demoed an app I’ve been wanting for ages’
People from all around world could follow the presentations live on the Internet, via Twitter (#sotm09), Flickr or in some Dutch newspapers.
Get ready for some more State of the Map action tomorrow in the State Room, Map Room and Workshop Rooms. The doors of the conference centre will open around 8.30 am. Expect a full conference centre because we are completely sold out!
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